





한글 처리

직접 소스 수정



 * MDBootstrap integration with Datatables
 * Learn more: https://mdbootstrap.com/docs/jquery/tables/datatables/
 * About MDBootstrap: https://mdbootstrap.com/
 * This combined file was created by the DataTables downloader builder:
 *   https://datatables.net/download
 * To rebuild or modify this file with the latest versions of the included
 * software please visit:
 *   https://datatables.net/download/#bs4/dt-1.10.18
 * Included libraries:
 *   DataTables 1.10.18

/*! DataTables 1.10.18
 * ©2008-2018 SpryMedia Ltd - datatables.net/license

 * @summary     DataTables
 * @description Paginate, search and order HTML tables
 * @version     1.10.18
 * @file        jquery.dataTables.js
 * @author      SpryMedia Ltd
 * @contact     www.datatables.net
 * @copyright   Copyright 2008-2018 SpryMedia Ltd.
 * This source file is free software, available under the following license:
 *   MIT license - http://datatables.net/license
 * This source file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
 * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the license files for details.
 * For details please refer to: http://www.datatables.net

/*jslint evil: true, undef: true, browser: true */
/*globals $,require,jQuery,define,_selector_run,_selector_opts,_selector_first,_selector_row_indexes,_ext,_Api,_api_register,_api_registerPlural,_re_new_lines,_re_html,_re_formatted_numeric,_re_escape_regex,_empty,_intVal,_numToDecimal,_isNumber,_isHtml,_htmlNumeric,_pluck,_pluck_order,_range,_stripHtml,_unique,_fnBuildAjax,_fnAjaxUpdate,_fnAjaxParameters,_fnAjaxUpdateDraw,_fnAjaxDataSrc,_fnAddColumn,_fnColumnOptions,_fnAdjustColumnSizing,_fnVisibleToColumnIndex,_fnColumnIndexToVisible,_fnVisbleColumns,_fnGetColumns,_fnColumnTypes,_fnApplyColumnDefs,_fnHungarianMap,_fnCamelToHungarian,_fnLanguageCompat,_fnBrowserDetect,_fnAddData,_fnAddTr,_fnNodeToDataIndex,_fnNodeToColumnIndex,_fnGetCellData,_fnSetCellData,_fnSplitObjNotation,_fnGetObjectDataFn,_fnSetObjectDataFn,_fnGetDataMaster,_fnClearTable,_fnDeleteIndex,_fnInvalidate,_fnGetRowElements,_fnCreateTr,_fnBuildHead,_fnDrawHead,_fnDraw,_fnReDraw,_fnAddOptionsHtml,_fnDetectHeader,_fnGetUniqueThs,_fnFeatureHtmlFilter,_fnFilterComplete,_fnFilterCustom,_fnFilterColumn,_fnFilter,_fnFilterCreateSearch,_fnEscapeRegex,_fnFilterData,_fnFeatureHtmlInfo,_fnUpdateInfo,_fnInfoMacros,_fnInitialise,_fnInitComplete,_fnLengthChange,_fnFeatureHtmlLength,_fnFeatureHtmlPaginate,_fnPageChange,_fnFeatureHtmlProcessing,_fnProcessingDisplay,_fnFeatureHtmlTable,_fnScrollDraw,_fnApplyToChildren,_fnCalculateColumnWidths,_fnThrottle,_fnConvertToWidth,_fnGetWidestNode,_fnGetMaxLenString,_fnStringToCss,_fnSortFlatten,_fnSort,_fnSortAria,_fnSortListener,_fnSortAttachListener,_fnSortingClasses,_fnSortData,_fnSaveState,_fnLoadState,_fnSettingsFromNode,_fnLog,_fnMap,_fnBindAction,_fnCallbackReg,_fnCallbackFire,_fnLengthOverflow,_fnRenderer,_fnDataSource,_fnRowAttributes*/

(function( factory ) {
	"use strict";

	if ( typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ) {
		// AMD
		define( ['jquery'], function ( $ ) {
			return factory( $, window, document );
		} );
	else if ( typeof exports === 'object' ) {
		// CommonJS
		module.exports = function (root, $) {
			if ( ! root ) {
				// CommonJS environments without a window global must pass a
				// root. This will give an error otherwise
				root = window;

			if ( ! $ ) {
				$ = typeof window !== 'undefined' ? // jQuery's factory checks for a global window
					require('jquery') :
					require('jquery')( root );

			return factory( $, root, root.document );
	else {
		// Browser
		factory( jQuery, window, document );
(function( $, window, document, undefined ) {
	"use strict";

	 * DataTables is a plug-in for the jQuery Javascript library. It is a highly
	 * flexible tool, based upon the foundations of progressive enhancement,
	 * which will add advanced interaction controls to any HTML table. For a
	 * full list of features please refer to
	 * [DataTables.net](href="http://datatables.net).
	 * Note that the `DataTable` object is not a global variable but is aliased
	 * to `jQuery.fn.DataTable` and `jQuery.fn.dataTable` through which it may
	 * be  accessed.
	 *  @class
	 *  @param {object} [init={}] Configuration object for DataTables. Options
	 *    are defined by {@link DataTable.defaults}
	 *  @requires jQuery 1.7+
	 *  @example
	 *    // Basic initialisation
	 *    $(document).ready( function {
	 *      $('#example').dataTable();
	 *    } );
	 *  @example
	 *    // Initialisation with configuration options - in this case, disable
	 *    // pagination and sorting.
	 *    $(document).ready( function {
	 *      $('#example').dataTable( {
	 *        "paginate": false,
	 *        "sort": false
	 *      } );
	 *    } );
	var DataTable = function ( options )
		 * Perform a jQuery selector action on the table's TR elements (from the tbody) and
		 * return the resulting jQuery object.
		 *  @param {string|node|jQuery} sSelector jQuery selector or node collection to act on
		 *  @param {object} [oOpts] Optional parameters for modifying the rows to be included
		 *  @param {string} [oOpts.filter=none] Select TR elements that meet the current filter
		 *    criterion ("applied") or all TR elements (i.e. no filter).
		 *  @param {string} [oOpts.order=current] Order of the TR elements in the processed array.
		 *    Can be either 'current', whereby the current sorting of the table is used, or
		 *    'original' whereby the original order the data was read into the table is used.
		 *  @param {string} [oOpts.page=all] Limit the selection to the currently displayed page
		 *    ("current") or not ("all"). If 'current' is given, then order is assumed to be
		 *    'current' and filter is 'applied', regardless of what they might be given as.
		 *  @returns {object} jQuery object, filtered by the given selector.
		 *  @dtopt API
		 *  @deprecated Since v1.10
		 *  @example
		 *    $(document).ready(function() {
		 *      var oTable = $('#example').dataTable();
		 *      // Highlight every second row
		 *      oTable.$('tr:odd').css('backgroundColor', 'blue');
		 *    } );
		 *  @example
		 *    $(document).ready(function() {
		 *      var oTable = $('#example').dataTable();
		 *      // Filter to rows with 'Webkit' in them, add a background colour and then
		 *      // remove the filter, thus highlighting the 'Webkit' rows only.
		 *      oTable.fnFilter('Webkit');
		 *      oTable.$('tr', {"search": "applied"}).css('backgroundColor', 'blue');
		 *      oTable.fnFilter('');
		 *    } );
		this.$ = function ( sSelector, oOpts )
			return this.api(true).$( sSelector, oOpts );
		 * Almost identical to $ in operation, but in this case returns the data for the matched
		 * rows - as such, the jQuery selector used should match TR row nodes or TD/TH cell nodes
		 * rather than any descendants, so the data can be obtained for the row/cell. If matching
		 * rows are found, the data returned is the original data array/object that was used to
		 * create the row (or a generated array if from a DOM source).
		 * This method is often useful in-combination with $ where both functions are given the
		 * same parameters and the array indexes will match identically.
		 *  @param {string|node|jQuery} sSelector jQuery selector or node collection to act on
		 *  @param {object} [oOpts] Optional parameters for modifying the rows to be included
		 *  @param {string} [oOpts.filter=none] Select elements that meet the current filter
		 *    criterion ("applied") or all elements (i.e. no filter).
		 *  @param {string} [oOpts.order=current] Order of the data in the processed array.
		 *    Can be either 'current', whereby the current sorting of the table is used, or
		 *    'original' whereby the original order the data was read into the table is used.
		 *  @param {string} [oOpts.page=all] Limit the selection to the currently displayed page
		 *    ("current") or not ("all"). If 'current' is given, then order is assumed to be
		 *    'current' and filter is 'applied', regardless of what they might be given as.
		 *  @returns {array} Data for the matched elements. If any elements, as a result of the
		 *    selector, were not TR, TD or TH elements in the DataTable, they will have a null
		 *    entry in the array.
		 *  @dtopt API
		 *  @deprecated Since v1.10
		 *  @example
		 *    $(document).ready(function() {
		 *      var oTable = $('#example').dataTable();
		 *      // Get the data from the first row in the table
		 *      var data = oTable._('tr:first');
		 *      // Do something useful with the data
		 *      alert( "First cell is: "+data[0] );
		 *    } );
		 *  @example
		 *    $(document).ready(function() {
		 *      var oTable = $('#example').dataTable();
		 *      // Filter to 'Webkit' and get all data for
		 *      oTable.fnFilter('Webkit');
		 *      var data = oTable._('tr', {"search": "applied"});
		 *      // Do something with the data
		 *      alert( data.length+" rows matched the search" );
		 *    } );
		this._ = function ( sSelector, oOpts )
			return this.api(true).rows( sSelector, oOpts ).data();
		 * Create a DataTables Api instance, with the currently selected tables for
		 * the Api's context.
		 * @param {boolean} [traditional=false] Set the API instance's context to be
		 *   only the table referred to by the `DataTable.ext.iApiIndex` option, as was
		 *   used in the API presented by DataTables 1.9- (i.e. the traditional mode),
		 *   or if all tables captured in the jQuery object should be used.
		 * @return {DataTables.Api}
		this.api = function ( traditional )
			return traditional ?
				new _Api(
					_fnSettingsFromNode( this[ _ext.iApiIndex ] )
				) :
				new _Api( this );
		 * Add a single new row or multiple rows of data to the table. Please note
		 * that this is suitable for client-side processing only - if you are using
		 * server-side processing (i.e. "bServerSide": true), then to add data, you
		 * must add it to the data source, i.e. the server-side, through an Ajax call.
		 *  @param {array|object} data The data to be added to the table. This can be:
		 *    <ul>
		 *      <li>1D array of data - add a single row with the data provided</li>
		 *      <li>2D array of arrays - add multiple rows in a single call</li>
		 *      <li>object - data object when using <i>mData</i></li>
		 *      <li>array of objects - multiple data objects when using <i>mData</i></li>
		 *    </ul>
		 *  @param {bool} [redraw=true] redraw the table or not
		 *  @returns {array} An array of integers, representing the list of indexes in
		 *    <i>aoData</i> ({@link DataTable.models.oSettings}) that have been added to
		 *    the table.
		 *  @dtopt API
		 *  @deprecated Since v1.10
		 *  @example
		 *    // Global var for counter
		 *    var giCount = 2;
		 *    $(document).ready(function() {
		 *      $('#example').dataTable();
		 *    } );
		 *    function fnClickAddRow() {
		 *      $('#example').dataTable().fnAddData( [
		 *        giCount+".1",
		 *        giCount+".2",
		 *        giCount+".3",
		 *        giCount+".4" ]
		 *      );
		 *      giCount++;
		 *    }
		this.fnAddData = function( data, redraw )
			var api = this.api( true );
			/* Check if we want to add multiple rows or not */
			var rows = $.isArray(data) && ( $.isArray(data[0]) || $.isPlainObject(data[0]) ) ?
				api.rows.add( data ) :
				api.row.add( data );
			if ( redraw === undefined || redraw ) {
			return rows.flatten().toArray();
		 * This function will make DataTables recalculate the column sizes, based on the data
		 * contained in the table and the sizes applied to the columns (in the DOM, CSS or
		 * through the sWidth parameter). This can be useful when the width of the table's
		 * parent element changes (for example a window resize).
		 *  @param {boolean} [bRedraw=true] Redraw the table or not, you will typically want to
		 *  @dtopt API
		 *  @deprecated Since v1.10
		 *  @example
		 *    $(document).ready(function() {
		 *      var oTable = $('#example').dataTable( {
		 *        "sScrollY": "200px",
		 *        "bPaginate": false
		 *      } );
		 *      $(window).on('resize', function () {
		 *        oTable.fnAdjustColumnSizing();
		 *      } );
		 *    } );
		this.fnAdjustColumnSizing = function ( bRedraw )
			var api = this.api( true ).columns.adjust();
			var settings = api.settings()[0];
			var scroll = settings.oScroll;
			if ( bRedraw === undefined || bRedraw ) {
				api.draw( false );
			else if ( scroll.sX !== "" || scroll.sY !== "" ) {
				/* If not redrawing, but scrolling, we want to apply the new column sizes anyway */
				_fnScrollDraw( settings );
		 * Quickly and simply clear a table
		 *  @param {bool} [bRedraw=true] redraw the table or not
		 *  @dtopt API
		 *  @deprecated Since v1.10
		 *  @example
		 *    $(document).ready(function() {
		 *      var oTable = $('#example').dataTable();
		 *      // Immediately 'nuke' the current rows (perhaps waiting for an Ajax callback...)
		 *      oTable.fnClearTable();
		 *    } );
		this.fnClearTable = function( bRedraw )
			var api = this.api( true ).clear();
			if ( bRedraw === undefined || bRedraw ) {
		 * The exact opposite of 'opening' a row, this function will close any rows which
		 * are currently 'open'.
		 *  @param {node} nTr the table row to 'close'
		 *  @returns {int} 0 on success, or 1 if failed (can't find the row)
		 *  @dtopt API
		 *  @deprecated Since v1.10
		 *  @example
		 *    $(document).ready(function() {
		 *      var oTable;
		 *      // 'open' an information row when a row is clicked on
		 *      $('#example tbody tr').click( function () {
		 *        if ( oTable.fnIsOpen(this) ) {
		 *          oTable.fnClose( this );
		 *        } else {
		 *          oTable.fnOpen( this, "Temporary row opened", "info_row" );
		 *        }
		 *      } );
		 *      oTable = $('#example').dataTable();
		 *    } );
		this.fnClose = function( nTr )
			this.api( true ).row( nTr ).child.hide();
		 * Remove a row for the table
		 *  @param {mixed} target The index of the row from aoData to be deleted, or
		 *    the TR element you want to delete
		 *  @param {function|null} [callBack] Callback function
		 *  @param {bool} [redraw=true] Redraw the table or not
		 *  @returns {array} The row that was deleted
		 *  @dtopt API
		 *  @deprecated Since v1.10
		 *  @example
		 *    $(document).ready(function() {
		 *      var oTable = $('#example').dataTable();
		 *      // Immediately remove the first row
		 *      oTable.fnDeleteRow( 0 );
		 *    } );
		this.fnDeleteRow = function( target, callback, redraw )
			var api = this.api( true );
			var rows = api.rows( target );
			var settings = rows.settings()[0];
			var data = settings.aoData[ rows[0][0] ];
			if ( callback ) {
				callback.call( this, settings, data );
			if ( redraw === undefined || redraw ) {
			return data;
		 * Restore the table to it's original state in the DOM by removing all of DataTables
		 * enhancements, alterations to the DOM structure of the table and event listeners.
		 *  @param {boolean} [remove=false] Completely remove the table from the DOM
		 *  @dtopt API
		 *  @deprecated Since v1.10
		 *  @example
		 *    $(document).ready(function() {
		 *      // This example is fairly pointless in reality, but shows how fnDestroy can be used
		 *      var oTable = $('#example').dataTable();
		 *      oTable.fnDestroy();
		 *    } );
		this.fnDestroy = function ( remove )
			this.api( true ).destroy( remove );
		 * Redraw the table
		 *  @param {bool} [complete=true] Re-filter and resort (if enabled) the table before the draw.
		 *  @dtopt API
		 *  @deprecated Since v1.10
		 *  @example
		 *    $(document).ready(function() {
		 *      var oTable = $('#example').dataTable();
		 *      // Re-draw the table - you wouldn't want to do it here, but it's an example :-)
		 *      oTable.fnDraw();
		 *    } );
		this.fnDraw = function( complete )
			// Note that this isn't an exact match to the old call to _fnDraw - it takes
			// into account the new data, but can hold position.
			this.api( true ).draw( complete );
		 * Filter the input based on data
		 *  @param {string} sInput String to filter the table on
		 *  @param {int|null} [iColumn] Column to limit filtering to
		 *  @param {bool} [bRegex=false] Treat as regular expression or not
		 *  @param {bool} [bSmart=true] Perform smart filtering or not
		 *  @param {bool} [bShowGlobal=true] Show the input global filter in it's input box(es)
		 *  @param {bool} [bCaseInsensitive=true] Do case-insensitive matching (true) or not (false)
		 *  @dtopt API
		 *  @deprecated Since v1.10
		 *  @example
		 *    $(document).ready(function() {
		 *      var oTable = $('#example').dataTable();
		 *      // Sometime later - filter...
		 *      oTable.fnFilter( 'test string' );
		 *    } );
		this.fnFilter = function( sInput, iColumn, bRegex, bSmart, bShowGlobal, bCaseInsensitive )
			var api = this.api( true );
			if ( iColumn === null || iColumn === undefined ) {
				api.search( sInput, bRegex, bSmart, bCaseInsensitive );
			else {
				api.column( iColumn ).search( sInput, bRegex, bSmart, bCaseInsensitive );
		 * Get the data for the whole table, an individual row or an individual cell based on the
		 * provided parameters.
		 *  @param {int|node} [src] A TR row node, TD/TH cell node or an integer. If given as
		 *    a TR node then the data source for the whole row will be returned. If given as a
		 *    TD/TH cell node then iCol will be automatically calculated and the data for the
		 *    cell returned. If given as an integer, then this is treated as the aoData internal
		 *    data index for the row (see fnGetPosition) and the data for that row used.
		 *  @param {int} [col] Optional column index that you want the data of.
		 *  @returns {array|object|string} If mRow is undefined, then the data for all rows is
		 *    returned. If mRow is defined, just data for that row, and is iCol is
		 *    defined, only data for the designated cell is returned.
		 *  @dtopt API
		 *  @deprecated Since v1.10
		 *  @example
		 *    // Row data
		 *    $(document).ready(function() {
		 *      oTable = $('#example').dataTable();
		 *      oTable.$('tr').click( function () {
		 *        var data = oTable.fnGetData( this );
		 *        // ... do something with the array / object of data for the row
		 *      } );
		 *    } );
		 *  @example
		 *    // Individual cell data
		 *    $(document).ready(function() {
		 *      oTable = $('#example').dataTable();
		 *      oTable.$('td').click( function () {
		 *        var sData = oTable.fnGetData( this );
		 *        alert( 'The cell clicked on had the value of '+sData );
		 *      } );
		 *    } );
		this.fnGetData = function( src, col )
			var api = this.api( true );
			if ( src !== undefined ) {
				var type = src.nodeName ? src.nodeName.toLowerCase() : '';
				return col !== undefined || type == 'td' || type == 'th' ?
					api.cell( src, col ).data() :
					api.row( src ).data() || null;
			return api.data().toArray();
		 * Get an array of the TR nodes that are used in the table's body. Note that you will
		 * typically want to use the '$' API method in preference to this as it is more
		 * flexible.
		 *  @param {int} [iRow] Optional row index for the TR element you want
		 *  @returns {array|node} If iRow is undefined, returns an array of all TR elements
		 *    in the table's body, or iRow is defined, just the TR element requested.
		 *  @dtopt API
		 *  @deprecated Since v1.10
		 *  @example
		 *    $(document).ready(function() {
		 *      var oTable = $('#example').dataTable();
		 *      // Get the nodes from the table
		 *      var nNodes = oTable.fnGetNodes( );
		 *    } );
		this.fnGetNodes = function( iRow )
			var api = this.api( true );
			return iRow !== undefined ?
				api.row( iRow ).node() :
		 * Get the array indexes of a particular cell from it's DOM element
		 * and column index including hidden columns
		 *  @param {node} node this can either be a TR, TD or TH in the table's body
		 *  @returns {int} If nNode is given as a TR, then a single index is returned, or
		 *    if given as a cell, an array of [row index, column index (visible),
		 *    column index (all)] is given.
		 *  @dtopt API
		 *  @deprecated Since v1.10
		 *  @example
		 *    $(document).ready(function() {
		 *      $('#example tbody td').click( function () {
		 *        // Get the position of the current data from the node
		 *        var aPos = oTable.fnGetPosition( this );
		 *        // Get the data array for this row
		 *        var aData = oTable.fnGetData( aPos[0] );
		 *        // Update the data array and return the value
		 *        aData[ aPos[1] ] = 'clicked';
		 *        this.innerHTML = 'clicked';
		 *      } );
		 *      // Init DataTables
		 *      oTable = $('#example').dataTable();
		 *    } );
		this.fnGetPosition = function( node )
			var api = this.api( true );
			var nodeName = node.nodeName.toUpperCase();
			if ( nodeName == 'TR' ) {
				return api.row( node ).index();
			else if ( nodeName == 'TD' || nodeName == 'TH' ) {
				var cell = api.cell( node ).index();
				return [
			return null;
		 * Check to see if a row is 'open' or not.
		 *  @param {node} nTr the table row to check
		 *  @returns {boolean} true if the row is currently open, false otherwise
		 *  @dtopt API
		 *  @deprecated Since v1.10
		 *  @example
		 *    $(document).ready(function() {
		 *      var oTable;
		 *      // 'open' an information row when a row is clicked on
		 *      $('#example tbody tr').click( function () {
		 *        if ( oTable.fnIsOpen(this) ) {
		 *          oTable.fnClose( this );
		 *        } else {
		 *          oTable.fnOpen( this, "Temporary row opened", "info_row" );
		 *        }
		 *      } );
		 *      oTable = $('#example').dataTable();
		 *    } );
		this.fnIsOpen = function( nTr )
			return this.api( true ).row( nTr ).child.isShown();
		 * This function will place a new row directly after a row which is currently
		 * on display on the page, with the HTML contents that is passed into the
		 * function. This can be used, for example, to ask for confirmation that a
		 * particular record should be deleted.
		 *  @param {node} nTr The table row to 'open'
		 *  @param {string|node|jQuery} mHtml The HTML to put into the row
		 *  @param {string} sClass Class to give the new TD cell
		 *  @returns {node} The row opened. Note that if the table row passed in as the
		 *    first parameter, is not found in the table, this method will silently
		 *    return.
		 *  @dtopt API
		 *  @deprecated Since v1.10
		 *  @example
		 *    $(document).ready(function() {
		 *      var oTable;
		 *      // 'open' an information row when a row is clicked on
		 *      $('#example tbody tr').click( function () {
		 *        if ( oTable.fnIsOpen(this) ) {
		 *          oTable.fnClose( this );
		 *        } else {
		 *          oTable.fnOpen( this, "Temporary row opened", "info_row" );
		 *        }
		 *      } );
		 *      oTable = $('#example').dataTable();
		 *    } );
		this.fnOpen = function( nTr, mHtml, sClass )
			return this.api( true )
				.row( nTr )
				.child( mHtml, sClass )
		 * Change the pagination - provides the internal logic for pagination in a simple API
		 * function. With this function you can have a DataTables table go to the next,
		 * previous, first or last pages.
		 *  @param {string|int} mAction Paging action to take: "first", "previous", "next" or "last"
		 *    or page number to jump to (integer), note that page 0 is the first page.
		 *  @param {bool} [bRedraw=true] Redraw the table or not
		 *  @dtopt API
		 *  @deprecated Since v1.10
		 *  @example
		 *    $(document).ready(function() {
		 *      var oTable = $('#example').dataTable();
		 *      oTable.fnPageChange( 'next' );
		 *    } );
		this.fnPageChange = function ( mAction, bRedraw )
			var api = this.api( true ).page( mAction );
			if ( bRedraw === undefined || bRedraw ) {
		 * Show a particular column
		 *  @param {int} iCol The column whose display should be changed
		 *  @param {bool} bShow Show (true) or hide (false) the column
		 *  @param {bool} [bRedraw=true] Redraw the table or not
		 *  @dtopt API
		 *  @deprecated Since v1.10
		 *  @example
		 *    $(document).ready(function() {
		 *      var oTable = $('#example').dataTable();
		 *      // Hide the second column after initialisation
		 *      oTable.fnSetColumnVis( 1, false );
		 *    } );
		this.fnSetColumnVis = function ( iCol, bShow, bRedraw )
			var api = this.api( true ).column( iCol ).visible( bShow );
			if ( bRedraw === undefined || bRedraw ) {
		 * Get the settings for a particular table for external manipulation
		 *  @returns {object} DataTables settings object. See
		 *    {@link DataTable.models.oSettings}
		 *  @dtopt API
		 *  @deprecated Since v1.10
		 *  @example
		 *    $(document).ready(function() {
		 *      var oTable = $('#example').dataTable();
		 *      var oSettings = oTable.fnSettings();
		 *      // Show an example parameter from the settings
		 *      alert( oSettings._iDisplayStart );
		 *    } );
		this.fnSettings = function()
			return _fnSettingsFromNode( this[_ext.iApiIndex] );
		 * Sort the table by a particular column
		 *  @param {int} iCol the data index to sort on. Note that this will not match the
		 *    'display index' if you have hidden data entries
		 *  @dtopt API
		 *  @deprecated Since v1.10
		 *  @example
		 *    $(document).ready(function() {
		 *      var oTable = $('#example').dataTable();
		 *      // Sort immediately with columns 0 and 1
		 *      oTable.fnSort( [ [0,'asc'], [1,'asc'] ] );
		 *    } );
		this.fnSort = function( aaSort )
			this.api( true ).order( aaSort ).draw();
		 * Attach a sort listener to an element for a given column
		 *  @param {node} nNode the element to attach the sort listener to
		 *  @param {int} iColumn the column that a click on this node will sort on
		 *  @param {function} [fnCallback] callback function when sort is run
		 *  @dtopt API
		 *  @deprecated Since v1.10
		 *  @example
		 *    $(document).ready(function() {
		 *      var oTable = $('#example').dataTable();
		 *      // Sort on column 1, when 'sorter' is clicked on
		 *      oTable.fnSortListener( document.getElementById('sorter'), 1 );
		 *    } );
		this.fnSortListener = function( nNode, iColumn, fnCallback )
			this.api( true ).order.listener( nNode, iColumn, fnCallback );
		 * Update a table cell or row - this method will accept either a single value to
		 * update the cell with, an array of values with one element for each column or
		 * an object in the same format as the original data source. The function is
		 * self-referencing in order to make the multi column updates easier.
		 *  @param {object|array|string} mData Data to update the cell/row with
		 *  @param {node|int} mRow TR element you want to update or the aoData index
		 *  @param {int} [iColumn] The column to update, give as null or undefined to
		 *    update a whole row.
		 *  @param {bool} [bRedraw=true] Redraw the table or not
		 *  @param {bool} [bAction=true] Perform pre-draw actions or not
		 *  @returns {int} 0 on success, 1 on error
		 *  @dtopt API
		 *  @deprecated Since v1.10
		 *  @example
		 *    $(document).ready(function() {
		 *      var oTable = $('#example').dataTable();
		 *      oTable.fnUpdate( 'Example update', 0, 0 ); // Single cell
		 *      oTable.fnUpdate( ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'], $('tbody tr')[0] ); // Row
		 *    } );
		this.fnUpdate = function( mData, mRow, iColumn, bRedraw, bAction )
			var api = this.api( true );
			if ( iColumn === undefined || iColumn === null ) {
				api.row( mRow ).data( mData );
			else {
				api.cell( mRow, iColumn ).data( mData );
			if ( bAction === undefined || bAction ) {
			if ( bRedraw === undefined || bRedraw ) {
			return 0;
		 * Provide a common method for plug-ins to check the version of DataTables being used, in order
		 * to ensure compatibility.
		 *  @param {string} sVersion Version string to check for, in the format "X.Y.Z". Note that the
		 *    formats "X" and "X.Y" are also acceptable.
		 *  @returns {boolean} true if this version of DataTables is greater or equal to the required
		 *    version, or false if this version of DataTales is not suitable
		 *  @method
		 *  @dtopt API
		 *  @deprecated Since v1.10
		 *  @example
		 *    $(document).ready(function() {
		 *      var oTable = $('#example').dataTable();
		 *      alert( oTable.fnVersionCheck( '1.9.0' ) );
		 *    } );
		this.fnVersionCheck = _ext.fnVersionCheck;

		var _that = this;
		var emptyInit = options === undefined;
		var len = this.length;

		if ( emptyInit ) {
			options = {};

		this.oApi = this.internal = _ext.internal;

		// Extend with old style plug-in API methods
		for ( var fn in DataTable.ext.internal ) {
			if ( fn ) {
				this[fn] = _fnExternApiFunc(fn);

		this.each(function() {
			// For each initialisation we want to give it a clean initialisation
			// object that can be bashed around
			var o = {};
			var oInit = len > 1 ? // optimisation for single table case
				_fnExtend( o, options, true ) :

			/*global oInit,_that,emptyInit*/
			var i=0, iLen, j, jLen, k, kLen;
			var sId = this.getAttribute( 'id' );
			var bInitHandedOff = false;
			var defaults = DataTable.defaults;
			var $this = $(this);
			/* Sanity check */
			if ( this.nodeName.toLowerCase() != 'table' )
				_fnLog( null, 0, 'Non-table node initialisation ('+this.nodeName+')', 2 );
			/* Backwards compatibility for the defaults */
			_fnCompatOpts( defaults );
			_fnCompatCols( defaults.column );
			/* Convert the camel-case defaults to Hungarian */
			_fnCamelToHungarian( defaults, defaults, true );
			_fnCamelToHungarian( defaults.column, defaults.column, true );
			/* Setting up the initialisation object */
			_fnCamelToHungarian( defaults, $.extend( oInit, $this.data() ) );
			/* Check to see if we are re-initialising a table */
			var allSettings = DataTable.settings;
			for ( i=0, iLen=allSettings.length ; i<iLen ; i++ )
				var s = allSettings[i];
				/* Base check on table node */
				if (
					s.nTable == this ||
					(s.nTHead && s.nTHead.parentNode == this) ||
					(s.nTFoot && s.nTFoot.parentNode == this)
				) {
					var bRetrieve = oInit.bRetrieve !== undefined ? oInit.bRetrieve : defaults.bRetrieve;
					var bDestroy = oInit.bDestroy !== undefined ? oInit.bDestroy : defaults.bDestroy;
					if ( emptyInit || bRetrieve )
						return s.oInstance;
					else if ( bDestroy )
						_fnLog( s, 0, 'Cannot reinitialise DataTable', 3 );
				/* If the element we are initialising has the same ID as a table which was previously
				 * initialised, but the table nodes don't match (from before) then we destroy the old
				 * instance by simply deleting it. This is under the assumption that the table has been
				 * destroyed by other methods. Anyone using non-id selectors will need to do this manually
				if ( s.sTableId == this.id )
					allSettings.splice( i, 1 );
			/* Ensure the table has an ID - required for accessibility */
			if ( sId === null || sId === "" )
				sId = "DataTables_Table_"+(DataTable.ext._unique++);
				this.id = sId;
			/* Create the settings object for this table and set some of the default parameters */
			var oSettings = $.extend( true, {}, DataTable.models.oSettings, {
				"sDestroyWidth": $this[0].style.width,
				"sInstance":     sId,
				"sTableId":      sId
			} );
			oSettings.nTable = this;
			oSettings.oApi   = _that.internal;
			oSettings.oInit  = oInit;
			allSettings.push( oSettings );
			// Need to add the instance after the instance after the settings object has been added
			// to the settings array, so we can self reference the table instance if more than one
			oSettings.oInstance = (_that.length===1) ? _that : $this.dataTable();
			// Backwards compatibility, before we apply all the defaults
			_fnCompatOpts( oInit );
			_fnLanguageCompat( oInit.oLanguage );
			// If the length menu is given, but the init display length is not, use the length menu
			if ( oInit.aLengthMenu && ! oInit.iDisplayLength )
				oInit.iDisplayLength = $.isArray( oInit.aLengthMenu[0] ) ?
					oInit.aLengthMenu[0][0] : oInit.aLengthMenu[0];
			// Apply the defaults and init options to make a single init object will all
			// options defined from defaults and instance options.
			oInit = _fnExtend( $.extend( true, {}, defaults ), oInit );
			// Map the initialisation options onto the settings object
			_fnMap( oSettings.oFeatures, oInit, [
			] );
			_fnMap( oSettings, oInit, [
				[ "iCookieDuration", "iStateDuration" ], // backwards compat
				[ "oSearch", "oPreviousSearch" ],
				[ "aoSearchCols", "aoPreSearchCols" ],
				[ "iDisplayLength", "_iDisplayLength" ]
			] );
			_fnMap( oSettings.oScroll, oInit, [
				[ "sScrollX", "sX" ],
				[ "sScrollXInner", "sXInner" ],
				[ "sScrollY", "sY" ],
				[ "bScrollCollapse", "bCollapse" ]
			] );
			_fnMap( oSettings.oLanguage, oInit, "fnInfoCallback" );
			/* Callback functions which are array driven */
			_fnCallbackReg( oSettings, 'aoDrawCallback',       oInit.fnDrawCallback,      'user' );
			_fnCallbackReg( oSettings, 'aoServerParams',       oInit.fnServerParams,      'user' );
			_fnCallbackReg( oSettings, 'aoStateSaveParams',    oInit.fnStateSaveParams,   'user' );
			_fnCallbackReg( oSettings, 'aoStateLoadParams',    oInit.fnStateLoadParams,   'user' );
			_fnCallbackReg( oSettings, 'aoStateLoaded',        oInit.fnStateLoaded,       'user' );
			_fnCallbackReg( oSettings, 'aoRowCallback',        oInit.fnRowCallback,       'user' );
			_fnCallbackReg( oSettings, 'aoRowCreatedCallback', oInit.fnCreatedRow,        'user' );
			_fnCallbackReg( oSettings, 'aoHeaderCallback',     oInit.fnHeaderCallback,    'user' );
			_fnCallbackReg( oSettings, 'aoFooterCallback',     oInit.fnFooterCallback,    'user' );
			_fnCallbackReg( oSettings, 'aoInitComplete',       oInit.fnInitComplete,      'user' );
			_fnCallbackReg( oSettings, 'aoPreDrawCallback',    oInit.fnPreDrawCallback,   'user' );
			oSettings.rowIdFn = _fnGetObjectDataFn( oInit.rowId );
			/* Browser support detection */
			_fnBrowserDetect( oSettings );
			var oClasses = oSettings.oClasses;
			$.extend( oClasses, DataTable.ext.classes, oInit.oClasses );
			$this.addClass( oClasses.sTable );
			if ( oSettings.iInitDisplayStart === undefined )
				/* Display start point, taking into account the save saving */
				oSettings.iInitDisplayStart = oInit.iDisplayStart;
				oSettings._iDisplayStart = oInit.iDisplayStart;
			if ( oInit.iDeferLoading !== null )
				oSettings.bDeferLoading = true;
				var tmp = $.isArray( oInit.iDeferLoading );
				oSettings._iRecordsDisplay = tmp ? oInit.iDeferLoading[0] : oInit.iDeferLoading;
				oSettings._iRecordsTotal = tmp ? oInit.iDeferLoading[1] : oInit.iDeferLoading;
			/* Language definitions */
			var oLanguage = oSettings.oLanguage;
			$.extend( true, oLanguage, oInit.oLanguage );
			if ( oLanguage.sUrl )
				/* Get the language definitions from a file - because this Ajax call makes the language
				 * get async to the remainder of this function we use bInitHandedOff to indicate that
				 * _fnInitialise will be fired by the returned Ajax handler, rather than the constructor
				$.ajax( {
					dataType: 'json',
					url: oLanguage.sUrl,
					success: function ( json ) {
						_fnLanguageCompat( json );
						_fnCamelToHungarian( defaults.oLanguage, json );
						$.extend( true, oLanguage, json );
						_fnInitialise( oSettings );
					error: function () {
						// Error occurred loading language file, continue on as best we can
						_fnInitialise( oSettings );
				} );
				bInitHandedOff = true;
			 * Stripes
			if ( oInit.asStripeClasses === null )
				oSettings.asStripeClasses =[
			/* Remove row stripe classes if they are already on the table row */
			var stripeClasses = oSettings.asStripeClasses;
			var rowOne = $this.children('tbody').find('tr').eq(0);
			if ( $.inArray( true, $.map( stripeClasses, function(el, i) {
				return rowOne.hasClass(el);
			} ) ) !== -1 ) {
				$('tbody tr', this).removeClass( stripeClasses.join(' ') );
				oSettings.asDestroyStripes = stripeClasses.slice();
			 * Columns
			 * See if we should load columns automatically or use defined ones
			var anThs = [];
			var aoColumnsInit;
			var nThead = this.getElementsByTagName('thead');
			if ( nThead.length !== 0 )
				_fnDetectHeader( oSettings.aoHeader, nThead[0] );
				anThs = _fnGetUniqueThs( oSettings );
			/* If not given a column array, generate one with nulls */
			if ( oInit.aoColumns === null )
				aoColumnsInit = [];
				for ( i=0, iLen=anThs.length ; i<iLen ; i++ )
					aoColumnsInit.push( null );
				aoColumnsInit = oInit.aoColumns;
			/* Add the columns */
			for ( i=0, iLen=aoColumnsInit.length ; i<iLen ; i++ )
				_fnAddColumn( oSettings, anThs ? anThs[i] : null );
			/* Apply the column definitions */
			_fnApplyColumnDefs( oSettings, oInit.aoColumnDefs, aoColumnsInit, function (iCol, oDef) {
				_fnColumnOptions( oSettings, iCol, oDef );
			} );
			/* HTML5 attribute detection - build an mData object automatically if the
			 * attributes are found
			if ( rowOne.length ) {
				var a = function ( cell, name ) {
					return cell.getAttribute( 'data-'+name ) !== null ? name : null;
				$( rowOne[0] ).children('th, td').each( function (i, cell) {
					var col = oSettings.aoColumns[i];
					if ( col.mData === i ) {
						var sort = a( cell, 'sort' ) || a( cell, 'order' );
						var filter = a( cell, 'filter' ) || a( cell, 'search' );
						if ( sort !== null || filter !== null ) {
							col.mData = {
								_:      i+'.display',
								sort:   sort !== null   ? i+'.@data-'+sort   : undefined,
								type:   sort !== null   ? i+'.@data-'+sort   : undefined,
								filter: filter !== null ? i+'.@data-'+filter : undefined
							_fnColumnOptions( oSettings, i );
				} );
			var features = oSettings.oFeatures;
			var loadedInit = function () {
				 * Sorting
				 * @todo For modularisation (1.11) this needs to do into a sort start up handler
				// If aaSorting is not defined, then we use the first indicator in asSorting
				// in case that has been altered, so the default sort reflects that option
				if ( oInit.aaSorting === undefined ) {
					var sorting = oSettings.aaSorting;
					for ( i=0, iLen=sorting.length ; i<iLen ; i++ ) {
						sorting[i][1] = oSettings.aoColumns[ i ].asSorting[0];
				/* Do a first pass on the sorting classes (allows any size changes to be taken into
				 * account, and also will apply sorting disabled classes if disabled
				_fnSortingClasses( oSettings );
				if ( features.bSort ) {
					_fnCallbackReg( oSettings, 'aoDrawCallback', function () {
						if ( oSettings.bSorted ) {
							var aSort = _fnSortFlatten( oSettings );
							var sortedColumns = {};
							$.each( aSort, function (i, val) {
								sortedColumns[ val.src ] = val.dir;
							} );
							_fnCallbackFire( oSettings, null, 'order', [oSettings, aSort, sortedColumns] );
							_fnSortAria( oSettings );
					} );
				_fnCallbackReg( oSettings, 'aoDrawCallback', function () {
					if ( oSettings.bSorted || _fnDataSource( oSettings ) === 'ssp' || features.bDeferRender ) {
						_fnSortingClasses( oSettings );
				}, 'sc' );
				 * Final init
				 * Cache the header, body and footer as required, creating them if needed
				// Work around for Webkit bug 83867 - store the caption-side before removing from doc
				var captions = $this.children('caption').each( function () {
					this._captionSide = $(this).css('caption-side');
				} );
				var thead = $this.children('thead');
				if ( thead.length === 0 ) {
					thead = $('<thead/>').appendTo($this);
				oSettings.nTHead = thead[0];
				var tbody = $this.children('tbody');
				if ( tbody.length === 0 ) {
					tbody = $('<tbody/>').appendTo($this);
				oSettings.nTBody = tbody[0];
				var tfoot = $this.children('tfoot');
				if ( tfoot.length === 0 && captions.length > 0 && (oSettings.oScroll.sX !== "" || oSettings.oScroll.sY !== "") ) {
					// If we are a scrolling table, and no footer has been given, then we need to create
					// a tfoot element for the caption element to be appended to
					tfoot = $('<tfoot/>').appendTo($this);
				if ( tfoot.length === 0 || tfoot.children().length === 0 ) {
					$this.addClass( oClasses.sNoFooter );
				else if ( tfoot.length > 0 ) {
					oSettings.nTFoot = tfoot[0];
					_fnDetectHeader( oSettings.aoFooter, oSettings.nTFoot );
				/* Check if there is data passing into the constructor */
				if ( oInit.aaData ) {
					for ( i=0 ; i<oInit.aaData.length ; i++ ) {
						_fnAddData( oSettings, oInit.aaData[ i ] );
				else if ( oSettings.bDeferLoading || _fnDataSource( oSettings ) == 'dom' ) {
					/* Grab the data from the page - only do this when deferred loading or no Ajax
					 * source since there is no point in reading the DOM data if we are then going
					 * to replace it with Ajax data
					_fnAddTr( oSettings, $(oSettings.nTBody).children('tr') );
				/* Copy the data index array */
				oSettings.aiDisplay = oSettings.aiDisplayMaster.slice();
				/* Initialisation complete - table can be drawn */
				oSettings.bInitialised = true;
				/* Check if we need to initialise the table (it might not have been handed off to the
				 * language processor)
				if ( bInitHandedOff === false ) {
					_fnInitialise( oSettings );
			/* Must be done after everything which can be overridden by the state saving! */
			if ( oInit.bStateSave )
				features.bStateSave = true;
				_fnCallbackReg( oSettings, 'aoDrawCallback', _fnSaveState, 'state_save' );
				_fnLoadState( oSettings, oInit, loadedInit );
			else {
		} );
		_that = null;
		return this;

	 * It is useful to have variables which are scoped locally so only the
	 * DataTables functions can access them and they don't leak into global space.
	 * At the same time these functions are often useful over multiple files in the
	 * core and API, so we list, or at least document, all variables which are used
	 * by DataTables as private variables here. This also ensures that there is no
	 * clashing of variable names and that they can easily referenced for reuse.
	// Defined else where
	//  _selector_run
	//  _selector_opts
	//  _selector_first
	//  _selector_row_indexes
	var _ext; // DataTable.ext
	var _Api; // DataTable.Api
	var _api_register; // DataTable.Api.register
	var _api_registerPlural; // DataTable.Api.registerPlural
	var _re_dic = {};
	var _re_new_lines = /[\r\n]/g;
	var _re_html = /<.*?>/g;
	// This is not strict ISO8601 - Date.parse() is quite lax, although
	// implementations differ between browsers.
	var _re_date = /^\d{2,4}[\.\/\-]\d{1,2}[\.\/\-]\d{1,2}([T ]{1}\d{1,2}[:\.]\d{2}([\.:]\d{2})?)?$/;
	// Escape regular expression special characters
	var _re_escape_regex = new RegExp( '(\\' + [ '/', '.', '*', '+', '?', '|', '(', ')', '[', ']', '{', '}', '\\', '$', '^', '-' ].join('|\\') + ')', 'g' );
	// http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foreign_exchange_market
	// - \u20BD - Russian ruble.
	// - \u20a9 - South Korean Won
	// - \u20BA - Turkish Lira
	// - \u20B9 - Indian Rupee
	// - R - Brazil (R$) and South Africa
	// - fr - Swiss Franc
	// - kr - Swedish krona, Norwegian krone and Danish krone
	// - \u2009 is thin space and \u202F is narrow no-break space, both used in many
	// - Ƀ - Bitcoin
	// - Ξ - Ethereum
	//   standards as thousands separators.
	var _re_formatted_numeric = /[',$£€¥%\u2009\u202F\u20BD\u20a9\u20BArfkɃΞ]/gi;
	var _empty = function ( d ) {
		return !d || d === true || d === '-' ? true : false;
	var _intVal = function ( s ) {
		var integer = parseInt( s, 10 );
		return !isNaN(integer) && isFinite(s) ? integer : null;
	// Convert from a formatted number with characters other than `.` as the
	// decimal place, to a Javascript number
	var _numToDecimal = function ( num, decimalPoint ) {
		// Cache created regular expressions for speed as this function is called often
		if ( ! _re_dic[ decimalPoint ] ) {
			_re_dic[ decimalPoint ] = new RegExp( _fnEscapeRegex( decimalPoint ), 'g' );
		return typeof num === 'string' && decimalPoint !== '.' ?
			num.replace( /\./g, '' ).replace( _re_dic[ decimalPoint ], '.' ) :
	var _isNumber = function ( d, decimalPoint, formatted ) {
		var strType = typeof d === 'string';
		// If empty return immediately so there must be a number if it is a
		// formatted string (this stops the string "k", or "kr", etc being detected
		// as a formatted number for currency
		if ( _empty( d ) ) {
			return true;
		if ( decimalPoint && strType ) {
			d = _numToDecimal( d, decimalPoint );
		if ( formatted && strType ) {
			d = d.replace( _re_formatted_numeric, '' );
		return !isNaN( parseFloat(d) ) && isFinite( d );
	// A string without HTML in it can be considered to be HTML still
	var _isHtml = function ( d ) {
		return _empty( d ) || typeof d === 'string';
	var _htmlNumeric = function ( d, decimalPoint, formatted ) {
		if ( _empty( d ) ) {
			return true;
		var html = _isHtml( d );
		return ! html ?
			null :
			_isNumber( _stripHtml( d ), decimalPoint, formatted ) ?
				true :
	var _pluck = function ( a, prop, prop2 ) {
		var out = [];
		var i=0, ien=a.length;
		// Could have the test in the loop for slightly smaller code, but speed
		// is essential here
		if ( prop2 !== undefined ) {
			for ( ; i<ien ; i++ ) {
				if ( a[i] && a[i][ prop ] ) {
					out.push( a[i][ prop ][ prop2 ] );
		else {
			for ( ; i<ien ; i++ ) {
				if ( a[i] ) {
					out.push( a[i][ prop ] );
		return out;
	// Basically the same as _pluck, but rather than looping over `a` we use `order`
	// as the indexes to pick from `a`
	var _pluck_order = function ( a, order, prop, prop2 )
		var out = [];
		var i=0, ien=order.length;
		// Could have the test in the loop for slightly smaller code, but speed
		// is essential here
		if ( prop2 !== undefined ) {
			for ( ; i<ien ; i++ ) {
				if ( a[ order[i] ][ prop ] ) {
					out.push( a[ order[i] ][ prop ][ prop2 ] );
		else {
			for ( ; i<ien ; i++ ) {
				out.push( a[ order[i] ][ prop ] );
		return out;
	var _range = function ( len, start )
		var out = [];
		var end;
		if ( start === undefined ) {
			start = 0;
			end = len;
		else {
			end = start;
			start = len;
		for ( var i=start ; i<end ; i++ ) {
			out.push( i );
		return out;
	var _removeEmpty = function ( a )
		var out = [];
		for ( var i=0, ien=a.length ; i<ien ; i++ ) {
			if ( a[i] ) { // careful - will remove all falsy values!
				out.push( a[i] );
		return out;
	var _stripHtml = function ( d ) {
		return d.replace( _re_html, '' );
	 * Determine if all values in the array are unique. This means we can short
	 * cut the _unique method at the cost of a single loop. A sorted array is used
	 * to easily check the values.
	 * @param  {array} src Source array
	 * @return {boolean} true if all unique, false otherwise
	 * @ignore
	var _areAllUnique = function ( src ) {
		if ( src.length < 2 ) {
			return true;
		var sorted = src.slice().sort();
		var last = sorted[0];
		for ( var i=1, ien=sorted.length ; i<ien ; i++ ) {
			if ( sorted[i] === last ) {
				return false;
			last = sorted[i];
		return true;
	 * Find the unique elements in a source array.
	 * @param  {array} src Source array
	 * @return {array} Array of unique items
	 * @ignore
	var _unique = function ( src )
		if ( _areAllUnique( src ) ) {
			return src.slice();
		// A faster unique method is to use object keys to identify used values,
		// but this doesn't work with arrays or objects, which we must also
		// consider. See jsperf.com/compare-array-unique-versions/4 for more
		// information.
			out = [],
			i, ien=src.length,
			j, k=0;
		again: for ( i=0 ; i<ien ; i++ ) {
			val = src[i];
			for ( j=0 ; j<k ; j++ ) {
				if ( out[j] === val ) {
					continue again;
			out.push( val );
		return out;
	 * DataTables utility methods
	 * This namespace provides helper methods that DataTables uses internally to
	 * create a DataTable, but which are not exclusively used only for DataTables.
	 * These methods can be used by extension authors to save the duplication of
	 * code.
	 *  @namespace
	DataTable.util = {
		 * Throttle the calls to a function. Arguments and context are maintained
		 * for the throttled function.
		 * @param {function} fn Function to be called
		 * @param {integer} freq Call frequency in mS
		 * @return {function} Wrapped function
		throttle: function ( fn, freq ) {
				frequency = freq !== undefined ? freq : 200,
			return function () {
					that = this,
					now  = +new Date(),
					args = arguments;
				if ( last && now < last + frequency ) {
					clearTimeout( timer );
					timer = setTimeout( function () {
						last = undefined;
						fn.apply( that, args );
					}, frequency );
				else {
					last = now;
					fn.apply( that, args );
		 * Escape a string such that it can be used in a regular expression
		 *  @param {string} val string to escape
		 *  @returns {string} escaped string
		escapeRegex: function ( val ) {
			return val.replace( _re_escape_regex, '\\$1' );
	 * Create a mapping object that allows camel case parameters to be looked up
	 * for their Hungarian counterparts. The mapping is stored in a private
	 * parameter called `_hungarianMap` which can be accessed on the source object.
	 *  @param {object} o
	 *  @memberof DataTable#oApi
	function _fnHungarianMap ( o )
			hungarian = 'a aa ai ao as b fn i m o s ',
			map = {};
		$.each( o, function (key, val) {
			match = key.match(/^([^A-Z]+?)([A-Z])/);
			if ( match && hungarian.indexOf(match[1]+' ') !== -1 )
				newKey = key.replace( match[0], match[2].toLowerCase() );
				map[ newKey ] = key;
				if ( match[1] === 'o' )
					_fnHungarianMap( o[key] );
		} );
		o._hungarianMap = map;
	 * Convert from camel case parameters to Hungarian, based on a Hungarian map
	 * created by _fnHungarianMap.
	 *  @param {object} src The model object which holds all parameters that can be
	 *    mapped.
	 *  @param {object} user The object to convert from camel case to Hungarian.
	 *  @param {boolean} force When set to `true`, properties which already have a
	 *    Hungarian value in the `user` object will be overwritten. Otherwise they
	 *    won't be.
	 *  @memberof DataTable#oApi
	function _fnCamelToHungarian ( src, user, force )
		if ( ! src._hungarianMap ) {
			_fnHungarianMap( src );
		var hungarianKey;
		$.each( user, function (key, val) {
			hungarianKey = src._hungarianMap[ key ];
			if ( hungarianKey !== undefined && (force || user[hungarianKey] === undefined) )
				// For objects, we need to buzz down into the object to copy parameters
				if ( hungarianKey.charAt(0) === 'o' )
					// Copy the camelCase options over to the hungarian
					if ( ! user[ hungarianKey ] ) {
						user[ hungarianKey ] = {};
					$.extend( true, user[hungarianKey], user[key] );
					_fnCamelToHungarian( src[hungarianKey], user[hungarianKey], force );
				else {
					user[hungarianKey] = user[ key ];
		} );
	 * Language compatibility - when certain options are given, and others aren't, we
	 * need to duplicate the values over, in order to provide backwards compatibility
	 * with older language files.
	 *  @param {object} oSettings dataTables settings object
	 *  @memberof DataTable#oApi
	function _fnLanguageCompat( lang )
		// Note the use of the Hungarian notation for the parameters in this method as
		// this is called after the mapping of camelCase to Hungarian
		var defaults = DataTable.defaults.oLanguage;
		// Default mapping
		var defaultDecimal = defaults.sDecimal;
		if ( defaultDecimal ) {
			_addNumericSort( defaultDecimal );
		if ( lang ) {
			var zeroRecords = lang.sZeroRecords;
			// Backwards compatibility - if there is no sEmptyTable given, then use the same as
			// sZeroRecords - assuming that is given.
			if ( ! lang.sEmptyTable && zeroRecords &&
				defaults.sEmptyTable === "No data available in table" )
				_fnMap( lang, lang, 'sZeroRecords', 'sEmptyTable' );
			// Likewise with loading records
			if ( ! lang.sLoadingRecords && zeroRecords &&
				defaults.sLoadingRecords === "Loading..." )
				_fnMap( lang, lang, 'sZeroRecords', 'sLoadingRecords' );
			// Old parameter name of the thousands separator mapped onto the new
			if ( lang.sInfoThousands ) {
				lang.sThousands = lang.sInfoThousands;
			var decimal = lang.sDecimal;
			if ( decimal && defaultDecimal !== decimal ) {
				_addNumericSort( decimal );
	 * Map one parameter onto another
	 *  @param {object} o Object to map
	 *  @param {*} knew The new parameter name
	 *  @param {*} old The old parameter name
	var _fnCompatMap = function ( o, knew, old ) {
		if ( o[ knew ] !== undefined ) {
			o[ old ] = o[ knew ];
	 * Provide backwards compatibility for the main DT options. Note that the new
	 * options are mapped onto the old parameters, so this is an external interface
	 * change only.
	 *  @param {object} init Object to map
	function _fnCompatOpts ( init )
		_fnCompatMap( init, 'ordering',      'bSort' );
		_fnCompatMap( init, 'orderMulti',    'bSortMulti' );
		_fnCompatMap( init, 'orderClasses',  'bSortClasses' );
		_fnCompatMap( init, 'orderCellsTop', 'bSortCellsTop' );
		_fnCompatMap( init, 'order',         'aaSorting' );
		_fnCompatMap( init, 'orderFixed',    'aaSortingFixed' );
		_fnCompatMap( init, 'paging',        'bPaginate' );
		_fnCompatMap( init, 'pagingType',    'sPaginationType' );
		_fnCompatMap( init, 'pageLength',    'iDisplayLength' );
		_fnCompatMap( init, 'searching',     'bFilter' );
		// Boolean initialisation of x-scrolling
		if ( typeof init.sScrollX === 'boolean' ) {
			init.sScrollX = init.sScrollX ? '100%' : '';
		if ( typeof init.scrollX === 'boolean' ) {
			init.scrollX = init.scrollX ? '100%' : '';
		// Column search objects are in an array, so it needs to be converted
		// element by element
		var searchCols = init.aoSearchCols;
		if ( searchCols ) {
			for ( var i=0, ien=searchCols.length ; i<ien ; i++ ) {
				if ( searchCols[i] ) {
					_fnCamelToHungarian( DataTable.models.oSearch, searchCols[i] );
	 * Provide backwards compatibility for column options. Note that the new options
	 * are mapped onto the old parameters, so this is an external interface change
	 * only.
	 *  @param {object} init Object to map
	function _fnCompatCols ( init )
		_fnCompatMap( init, 'orderable',     'bSortable' );
		_fnCompatMap( init, 'orderData',     'aDataSort' );
		_fnCompatMap( init, 'orderSequence', 'asSorting' );
		_fnCompatMap( init, 'orderDataType', 'sortDataType' );
		// orderData can be given as an integer
		var dataSort = init.aDataSort;
		if ( typeof dataSort === 'number' && ! $.isArray( dataSort ) ) {
			init.aDataSort = [ dataSort ];
	 * Browser feature detection for capabilities, quirks
	 *  @param {object} settings dataTables settings object
	 *  @memberof DataTable#oApi
	function _fnBrowserDetect( settings )
		// We don't need to do this every time DataTables is constructed, the values
		// calculated are specific to the browser and OS configuration which we
		// don't expect to change between initialisations
		if ( ! DataTable.__browser ) {
			var browser = {};
			DataTable.__browser = browser;
			// Scrolling feature / quirks detection
			var n = $('<div/>')
				.css( {
					position: 'fixed',
					top: 0,
					left: $(window).scrollLeft()*-1, // allow for scrolling
					height: 1,
					width: 1,
					overflow: 'hidden'
				} )
						.css( {
							position: 'absolute',
							top: 1,
							left: 1,
							width: 100,
							overflow: 'scroll'
						} )
								.css( {
									width: '100%',
									height: 10
								} )
				.appendTo( 'body' );
			var outer = n.children();
			var inner = outer.children();
			// Numbers below, in order, are:
			// inner.offsetWidth, inner.clientWidth, outer.offs 


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