다음 소스를 이용
https://www.your-domain-name.com/ or http://www.your-domain-name.com/ "SITE_URL" => "https://macaronics.net/", // Boolean for crawling external links. // *Domain = https://www.student-laptop.nl* , *Link = https://www.google.com* "ALLOW_EXTERNAL_LINKS" => false, // Boolean for crawling element id links. // will not be crawled when this option is set to false "ALLOW_ELEMENT_LINKS" => false, // If set the crawler will only index the anchor tags with the given id. // If you wish to crawl all links set the value to "" // When CRAWL_ANCHORS_WITH_ID is set to "internal-link" this link will be crawled // but will not be crawled. "CRAWL_ANCHORS_WITH_ID" => "", // Array with absolute links or keywords for the pages to skip when crawling the given SITE_URL. // https://student-laptop.nl/info/laptops or you can just input student-laptop.nl/info/ and it will not crawl anything in that directory // Try to be as specific as you can so you dont skip 300 pages "KEYWORDS_TO_SKIP" => array(), // Location + filename where the sitemap will be saved. "SAVE_LOC" => "sitemap.xml", // Static priority value for sitemap "PRIORITY" => 1, // Static update frequency "CHANGE_FREQUENCY" => "daily", // Date changed (today's date) "LAST_UPDATED" => date('Y-m-d'), );
config = $conf; $this->scanned = []; $this->site_url_base = parse_url($this->config['SITE_URL'])['scheme'] . "://" . parse_url($this->config['SITE_URL'])['host']; $this->sitemap_file = fopen($this->config['SAVE_LOC'], "w"); } public function GenerateSitemap($list_url, $list_date) { // Call the recursive crawl function with the start url. //$this->crawlPage($this->config['SITE_URL']); // Generate a sitemap with the scanned pages. $this->generateFile($list_url, $list_date); } // Get the html content of a page and return it as a dom object private function getHtml($url) { // Get html from the given page $curl = curl_init(); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); $html = curl_exec($curl); curl_close($curl); //Load the html and store it into a DOM object $dom = new DOMDocument(); @$dom->loadHTML($html); return $dom; } // Recursive function that crawls a page's anchor tags and store them in the scanned array. private function crawlPage($page_url) { $url = filter_var($page_url, FILTER_SANITIZE_URL); // Check if the url is invalid or if the page is already scanned; if (in_array($url, $this->scanned) || !filter_var($page_url, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)) { return; } // Add the page url to the scanned array array_push($this->scanned, $page_url); // Get the html content from the $html = $this->getHtml($url); $anchors = $html->getElementsByTagName('a'); // Loop through all anchor tags on the page foreach ($anchors as $a) { $next_url = $a->getAttribute('href'); // Check if there is a anchor ID set in the config. if ($this->config['CRAWL_ANCHORS_WITH_ID'] != "") { // Check if the id is set and matches the config setting, else it will move on to the next anchor if ($a->getAttribute('id') != "" || $a->getAttribute('id') == $this->config['CRAWL_ANCHORS_WITH_ID']) { continue; } } // Split page url into base and extra parameters $base_page_url = explode("?", $page_url)[0]; if (!$this->config['ALLOW_ELEMENT_LINKS']) { // Skip the url if it starts with a # or is equal to root. if (substr($next_url, 0, 1) == "#" || $next_url == "/") { continue; } } // Check if the given url is external, if yes it will skip the iteration // This code will only run if you set ALLOW_EXTERNAL_LINKS to false in the config. if (!$this->config['ALLOW_EXTERNAL_LINKS']) { $parsed_url = parse_url($next_url); if (isset($parsed_url['host'])) { if ($parsed_url['host'] != parse_url($this->config['SITE_URL'])['host']) { continue; } } } // Check if the link is absolute or relative. if (substr($next_url, 0, 7) != "http://" && substr($next_url, 0, 8) != "https://") { $next_url = $this->convertRelativeToAbsolute($base_page_url, $next_url); } // Check if the next link contains any of the pages to skip. If true, the loop will move on to the next iteration. $found = false; foreach ($this->config['KEYWORDS_TO_SKIP'] as $skip) { if (strpos($next_url, $skip) || $next_url === $skip) { $found = true; } } // Call the function again with the new URL if (!$found) { $this->crawlPage($next_url); } } } // Convert a relative link to a absolute link // Example: Relative /articles // Absolute https://student-laptop.nl/articles private function convertRelativeToAbsolute($page_base_url, $link) { $first_character = substr($link, 0, 1); if ($first_character == "?" || $first_character == "#") { return $page_base_url . $link; } else if ($first_character != "/") { return $this->site_url_base . "/" . $link; } else { return $this->site_url_base . $link; } } // Function to generate a Sitemap with the given pages array where the script has run through private function generateFile($pages , $date) { $xml = ' '; // Print the amount of pages //echo count($pages); //$this->config['LAST_UPDATED'] for($i=0; $i< count($pages); $i++) { $xml .= "". $pages[$i]. " " . $date[$i] . " " . $this->config['CHANGE_FREQUENCY'] . " " . $this->config['PRIORITY'] . ""; } $xml .= ""; $xml = str_replace('&', '&', $xml); // Format string to XML $dom = new DOMDocument; $dom->preserveWhiteSpace = FALSE; $dom->loadXML($xml); $dom->formatOutput = TRUE; // Write XML to file and close it fwrite($this->sitemap_file, $dom->saveXML()); fclose($this->sitemap_file); } }
모델 에서 다음과 같이 가져온다.
function selectSitemapList(){ $sql ="select board_id, DATE_FORMAT(reg_date, '%Y-%m-%dT%TZ') AS reg_date, board_subject from ci_board order by board_id desc Limit 0 , 500"; $result=$this->db->query($sql); return $result->result(); }
$sitemapList =$this->auth_m->selectSitemapList(); $sitemapUrl=$this->config->base_url()."index.php"; $list_url = []; $list_date = []; foreach( $sitemapList as $board){ //다음과 같은 형식의 sitemapurl 생성 : https://macaronics.net/index.php/m01/jsp/view/1738 $sitemap_URL= $sitemapUrl."/".url_name($board->board_subject)."/".$board->board_subject."/view/".$board->board_id; array_push($list_url, $sitemap_URL); array_push($list_date, $board->reg_date); } include "/home1/macaronics/public_html/aaa/sitemap-generator.php"; $smg = new SitemapGenerator(include("/home1/macaronics/public_html/aaa/sitemap-config.php")); $smg->GenerateSitemap($list_url,$list_date);
=>xml 파일로 생성
private function generateFile($pages , $date) { $xml = ' '; // Print the amount of pages //echo count($pages); //$this->config['LAST_UPDATED'] for($i=0; $i< count($pages); $i++) { $xml .= "". $pages[$i]. " " . $date[$i] . " " . $this->config['CHANGE_FREQUENCY'] . " " . $this->config['PRIORITY'] . ""; } $xml .= ""; $xml = str_replace('&', '&', $xml); // Format string to XML $dom = new DOMDocument; $dom->preserveWhiteSpace = FALSE; $dom->loadXML($xml); $dom->formatOutput = TRUE; // Write XML to file and close it fwrite($this->sitemap_file, $dom->saveXML()); fclose($this->sitemap_file); }
작업 스케쥴을 하던지
특정 페이지에 코드를 삽입해서 주기적으로 sitemap.xml 생성한다.
혹은, 게시판 등록시 코드를 삽입한다.
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